Saturday, March 27, 2010


it was a grey cloud
but the dusk made it golden
was that an aura

i bow to your God
with or without an aura
i am a blind man

' devotion / illogical ? * ' / HB - 15

the earth is not flat
but it can hold us upright
unseen gravity

forget the logic
everything is rational
when you are in love ..

original / zg

[ probably ' illogical ' has been shifted / but then devotion can well be illogical --

Note :

Dear friends & co-writers at OSI ,

Unavoidable circumstances compel me to take leave from participating further at our Dear Meme for an indefinite period. Writing at my Blogs Somewhere Beyond & Insanity in Sanity is also on a halt.

While feigning to be a writer all the while I learnt so much from each one of you, & there is not a single writer to whom I do not owe my thanks , so kindly forgive me for not mentioning any of you by name.I think of all of you as my worthy classmates
& owe my gratitude to each one of you.

Please believe me when I say that I do not have the heart that would hurt a Poet .Still if you have reason to believe that I have caused you pain I believe you will forgive me with a smile .

I am sure you will continue to bring joy and richness to the lives of your readers through your contributions to One Single Impression _ The Meme I was always proud to be a part of ..

Zoya Gautam

Monday March 29 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010


the voices of love
or the mumblings of gossip
in hushed undertones

what is happening
liberated of myself
i murmur in sleep

' pregnant ' / HB - 14

the womb of the night
holds unlimited twinkles
till the birth of dawn

her heart is broken
the contract must be honored
surrogate mother ..

original / zg

Saturday, March 13, 2010


poetry of love
the words always hesitate
to hurt anyone

good to hesitate
do forever hesitate
before any war

' infestation ' / HB - 13

a will to conquer
weapons of mass destruction
a will to wage war

hurt and misery
no one really deserves it
i understand pain

original / zg

Saturday, March 6, 2010


the flight of a bird
an ostrich outruns the wolf
the plight of a bird

the theatre of life
runs in my neighbour's household
watch the dishes fly

' sleep ' / HB - 12

in a different world
a shift from reality
daydreamers sleepwalk

cure for sleeplessness
serious sermonizing
makes me fall asleep ..

original / zg

( Ed : lines 4 - 6 / HB 12)

Saturday, February 27, 2010


i talk to the stars
it is an open secret
my insomnia

bewitched by the moon
surreal destinations
sleep walked distances ..

' fraught '/ HB - 11

sliver by sliver
the light is diminishing
i face the darkness

a silvern halo
illuminating the night
sliver by sliver

original / zg

Saturday, February 20, 2010


always a reason
baking a golden brown bread
for any season

a cup of hot tea
ginger bread and marmalade
and her dear granny ..

' seductive ' / HB - 10

nothing is spoken
eyes hold the constellations
i watch the star bursts

i imagine things
dark tresses cloud everything
it is the monsoon ..

original / zg

Saturday, February 13, 2010


something about love
they never fall out of it
watch an albatross

how many heavens
how many constellations
nothing like the earth

' breath ' / HB- 9

a season of history
when the ruins breathe

tread very softly
over buried memories
the snow is melting ..

original / zg

[ Ed : -
HB- 9 / Line 3 - the ruins can breathe ]

Saturday, February 6, 2010

blowing the curve

keep blowing the curve
unwilling to understand
that love is finite

what is a high score
and what is not a high score
all i know is love ..

' uncanny ' / HB- 8

do you love your dog
look at the wag of the tail
it says i love you

what really matters
what is living and dying
i thought i knew it ..

original / zg

Sunday, January 24, 2010

sunny days

a pair of denims
a cool cotton t-shirt shroud
sunburnt fantasies

pecking sunbaked fruit
the goldfinch and oriole
uncomplicated ..

_ ~_ ~ _

' peace ' / HB - 7

in your own language
say peace to the assassin
peace to the victim

a flooded river
an overbridge to cross it
a work in progress ..

/ original / zg

Monday, January 18, 2010

chaos .osi

chaos ~

galactic turmoil
there is no bigger chaos
adolescent dreams

a bad school report
the dining table ' trials'
and bitter desserts ..

~ _ ~ _ ~

[ incandescence / HB - 6

whispers of a blind man's dreams
soft incandescence

a dog helps the man
a blind man , crossing the road
incandescent touch ..

/ original / zg

[ Ed: Line 5 - dining table ' proceedings / chaos
Line 6 - soft incandescence / HB - 6 ]

Monday, January 11, 2010


shining in the shops
hearts of indurated clay
come valentine's day

something is melting
the layers of hardened earth
a fragrance of rain ..

~ _ ~ _ ~

trembling / HB - 5

a wall collapses
hands tremble with disbelief
the berlin season

is this not winter
the memories brightly burn
a trembling stillness ..

/ original / zg

Monday, January 4, 2010


watch the butterfly
tell the flower, tell the wind
i talk with my wings

" mohammed ali
he floats like a butterfly
and stings like a bee "..

~ _ ~ _ ~

' electrifying ' / HB-4

a season of kites
tied to electric cables
a little kid's dream

see the kite floating
untethered , the string broken
kids run after it ..

/ original / zg

( mohammed ali- boxing legend
/ lyrics- Johnny Wakelin & The Kinshasa Band )

[ kites get tangled in overhead cables causing electrocution - india ]