Tuesday, August 19, 2008


the perfect decor
the ambience of a dream house
but,simply not home!
they are the faceless
unknown david copperfields
wanting to go home
there is confusion
as her parents get divorced
a home is broken
one does understand
only in a foreign land
what home is about

[what home really is/ed]
the pet had been lost
many many miles away
but still returns home!
(animal planet)


  1. i love that first one...i could not live like that. my decor of choice is what my husband calls the 'lived in' look!

  2. The first one is good. I can also relate to the third...when I was growing up some close friends got a divorce( the "no fault variety"-he just wanted out). The their two daughters were devasted.It really tore apart not only their home but their childhood,even their identity
    as they had known it.
    There's alot more to a home than just a house.
    Thank you for sharing all these wonderful 'ku.

  3. Each one is so expressive and memorable!

  4. ..Ur remarks are a big support.many thanks to All of U..

