Tuesday, October 27, 2009


a social beast , me
should i be hiding from you
you are no monster

love is elusive
so tyren asks obama
why do they hate you ..

/ original / zg

[ 9-year-old fourth-grader tyren scott of paulina, la.,

asked , president obama
during a town hall meeting at the university of new olreans in new olreans on thursday 15 oct 2009

" why do people hate you
they are supposed to love you
god is love " ]

[ Ed :- Line 1 - alive on the earth ]


  1. Bravo. I love your inclusion of that child's question to Obama.

  2. He is a beautiful man. So few of us accept beauty, never mind love it.

  3. .. sure he is ..

    i was only trying to think about the ' purity ' of a child , any child ie & the so called 'reality ' of the world ..

  4. out of the mouths of babes
    when we all learn to love
    the world will be a lovely place


