Wednesday, July 22, 2009

inner voice

so many rivers
flow into the seven seas
they come back as rain

forget the jargon
don't bother about meanings
it's the voice of love ..

/ original / zg


  1. First haiku:
    4 generation goes, and a generation comes,
    but the earth remains forever.
    5) The sun rises, and the sun goes down,
    and hastens to the place where it rises.
    6 The wind blows to the south
    and goes around to the north;
    around and around goes the wind,
    and on its circuits the wind returns.
    7 All streams run to the sea,
    but the sea is not full;
    to the place where the streams flow,
    there they flow again.
    Ecclesiastes 1:4-7 (especially verse seven)

    Second haiku
    Your other posted poem in a nutshell.

    Loved them all, Jim

  2. the eternal cycle renewing itself. what else could it be? lovely.

  3. Very nice. LOVE the first one. Second one is dead on!

  4. I love the phrase - forget the jargon - which is a perfect start for the lovely haiku!

  5. All I can say is exactly as I drown myself in these thoughts.

