Sunday, July 26, 2009


the boy knows his dog
the wag of the tell tale tail
mom's cooking downstairs

his first cigarette
shouldn't a deodorant hide it
but it's a mom's nose ..

/ original /zg


  1. How we underestimate the power of fragrance!

  2. You did good, Zoya. Mom's nose knows (I like your tell tale tail telling) but mine found my lighter for hard evidence.

  3. hard evidence is a wonderful thing jim ,

    in law it begins with charges,leading up to a
    a reasonable opportunity of defence , substantiation or otherwise of the charges ,
    hopefully a fair trial , and even more hopefully a fair verdict

    i am happy ur lighter was found and deemed to be hard evidence

    jurisprudence begins with moms and at home ..

  4. A fun and sweet read!! Great take on the prompt!

  5. you have me chuckling with this one
    that scent is not one that can be hidden!


  6. I never knew how my mama could tell if we tried to sneak a smoke when we were children until I became an adult and stopped smoking.

    AS a child we never wondered why we recognized the smell of our dog.

  7. Ha! I love your "tell tale tail" too! And yes, mothers can smell things other can't ... no matter how one tries to mask it. Very good indeed!

