Sunday, November 23, 2008

childhood memories

were the journeys to heaven
near by pizza shop
that love & laughter
that unburdened survival
whatever happened ?


Saturday, November 15, 2008


truth and non-violence
to combat the british raj
a strange mahatma
riches and beauty
nay,he renounced an empire
amazing buddha
abraham lincoln
' love of the common people' *
democracy lives
one stephen hawking
'a brief history of time' #

[*Written by Ronnie Wilkins and John Hurley, and originally recorded by Waylon Jennings on his 1967 album, Love Of The Common People.]
[#A Brief History of Time is a popular science book written by Stephen Hawking ]

Saturday, November 8, 2008


great hollywood scripts
true originality
the ghost writers know
happens in nature
the sun and rain together
as also in love
space of a closed fist
a heart could accomodate
more than the cosmos

teddy bearish dreams
nightmarish realities
a common address
from positive truths
negative inferences
refracted vision

Saturday, November 1, 2008


hollywood hoo doo
underneath the razzmatazz
such disguised sorrows
ubiquitous smiles
undiscernable anguish
clowning's not a joke
painstakingly done
a beautification job
you call it disguise?